The Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association and the Senior Hospital Doctors Association have rejected the 48 hours moratorium to return to work.

The moratorium was announced by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Thursday after meeting the Catholic Bishops Conference.
The doctors said the offer does not take into cognisance the plights of the workers.
Read the full letter below:
On Sunday 24th November, the ZHDA and SHDA met with a representative from Higher life Foundation and deliberated on their offer of financial assistance to government doctors. It was agreed that feedback was to be given after consulting the ZHDA Constituency before entering into any memorandum of understanding.
As such, it was concluded that, in as much as the support from HLF is welcome, it does not address completely the demands of the doctors for a salary whose value is preserved despite soaring inflation as well as the provision of adequate and appropriate tools of trade.
It was posited that the offer from Higher life may be reconsidered once the stand-off between the ZHDA and its employer (HSB) has been resolved. This recognises the sincerity of the donor group and its desire not to interfere with the negotiation process. The stipulated timeframes and terms and conditions surrounding the offer doesn’t make it a viable long lasting solution that the doctors are in search of at the moment.
We appreciate the role played by the Catholic bishops which has resulted in the doctors being issued a moratoriurn, valid for the next 48hrs. Sadly the moratorium has come without a new offer on the table having been communicated to us. Should this moratorium lapse without the formal communication of an offer that is reasonable, it would stand as yet another gracious privilege that is lost. Byo24 WELCOME EVERYONE: 277,777 MEMBERS, A Quarter of a million members, thank you for the fast growth, participation and continuous encouragement to others to join the group, and engage other progressive minded people in respectful and inclusive debate focused on information dissemination in issues that directly affect the ordinary person including human rights, good governance, accountability, transparency, housing, employment, development, girl child, equality, gender, peace, climate change, pollution, youth, freedom and more issues that directly affect the ordinary person. Information dissemination empowers the readers so that they are better placed to make well informed decisions and choices such as voting. Please feel free to add and encourage others to join.INFORMATION IS POWER!-Thank you for the support. Please email all your articles, photos and breaking news, to , ‘Twitter-@sibungwenor whatsapp to Mr Sibusiso Ngwenya 0044 79 3 9100534 for publication on the constantly growing online groups, currently standing as follows:1) Zimbabwe Global News 277,777 Members2) website 24,416 likes24,448 followers.Manages NewzimbabwevisionFollowed by 12,737

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